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eCommerce SEO for Shopify

Is eCommerce SEO for Shopify important?

In short, yes. Estimates are that 60-80% of all website traffic starts with a search! And if you want to be found online, you need to implement a search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy for your online shop. That's where we can help. We specialise in SEO services for Shopify but cal also work with other ecommerce platforms. 

What is Scandi Minimals's expertise in SEO?

We have run our own online store for 10+ years and always implemented SEO in house. As such, we have accumulated very extensive knowledge around SEO services for Shopify. 

How do we work?

We offer keyword research for your online shop, SEO eCommerce strategy and ongoing SEO management specifically targeted towards online shops on Shopify.

You can also contact us about a custom request by emailing us We would love to help! 

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